Grant Application Form

Please read the Funding Guidelines page before applying, to see if you are eligible for our funding.

Guidance Notes for Applicants

We also require a signature for data protection reasons. A printable PDF can be found here or on the confirmation page after submitting this form.

We take your privacy seriously - please see our privacy policy


Please be aware that you are unable to save the form part way through, please have all relevant information to hand before proceeding.

Section 1 - Contact Details
Please state the name, address and the postcode of your organisation. Please also provide a contact name for any correspondence; this must also be the person who signs the form on behalf of the organisation. If any of these details change whilst your application is being processed it is essential that you contact us and update the details.
Section 2 - About your organisation
Please give details of what your organisation does, including your aims and objectives. Do not simply copy the aims and objectives from your constitution – please try and describe the work your group does in your own words, as this will help with the assessment process. Your organisation does not need to be a registered charity to apply for a grant but must in some way benefit the local community.
Section 3 – Reason for Application
Grants will be made for applications that benefit people in the Blackhill Community by advancing community development by supporting local environmental, educational, amenity or other initiatives in the area. Please read Section 3 of the Guidance Notes for a detailed list of applications that will - and will not - be considered. Guidance Notes for Applicants
Section 4 – Details of Grant Requested
ItemQtyTotal Cost (£)
Item #1
Item #2
Item #3
Item #4
Item #5
Item #6
Item #7
Item #8

Guidance Notes for Applicants

Name of FunderAmount (£)Date ReceivedAmount (£)Date Decision Expected
Source #1
Source #2
Source #3
Source #4
Source #5

Include the name of the funder, the amount you have applied for and the date you received or expect a decision.

Section 5 - Financial Details
Please read Section 5 of the Guidance Notes to help you fill in this section. A copy of your latest annual accounts must be included with your application. New groups must provide a projection of income and expenditure for their first year. Your accounts should be signed to show that the board/management committee has approved them. Guidance Notes for Applicants
Additional Documents
All additional documents to be sent electronically. Please see the checklist below and upload requested documents here. (max file size 12MB)
Files must be less than 12 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png txt rtf html odf pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx xml bz2 dmg gz jar rar sit tar zip.


Please Note - If you do not complete all the relevant boxes and supply us with the supporting documents outlined in this document your application will be returned to you with a request to complete the missing information or provide the missing documents. It is only when we have received the completed form
and all the information that we will be in a position to start the assessment process of your application.

You will also need to send a signed and dated document (FIRST PAGE ONLY, available to download once this form is submitted) and any non-electronic documents to:

Sharon Cleghorn, Administrator
Blackhill Windfarm Community Fund
Clockmill Cottage
Duns, TD11 3QH

The following documentation should be included. Please upload using the form above:

  • A copy of your constitution, Articles of Association or other governing document
  • A copy of your most recent approved annual accounts, or for new groups a projection of the first year’s income and expenditure.
  • If your grant request is for equipment, vehicles, refurbishment or new build please supply at least two competitive quotes.
  • If you work with children or vulnerable adults you must send a copy of your protection policy
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