The Fund
There is a single grant programme to which groups can apply at any time, provided they meet our eligibility criteria.
Apart from the exclusions listed below there are no restrictions on the kind of things we can fund. We can accept applications for help with project expenses and we can fund up to 100% of the relevant costs.
Who can apply?
Your group can apply if you:
- Are a community led organisation.
- Are a not-for-profit group with charitable aims.
- Are working in and involve people from the communities of Abbey St Bathans, Bonkyl & Preston, Duns, Gavinton, Fogo & Preston, and Lammermuir, or if outside these areas, the beneficiaries must include people living in the Blackhill Community.
- Have a bank account, in the name of your group, which requires at least two signatories, who should not be related
- Have a constitution or Articles of Association, dated and signed as “adopted” by the Chair, or other senior office holder on behalf of the group OR if you don’t have a constitution or a bank account you can apply if your group is sponsored by a constituted voluntary organisation where it is permissible under their constitution and, where relevant, charity law. In these circumstances the constituted group should apply on your behalf and provide their bank details, constitution, accounts/statement of income and expenditure, and a bank statement.
- Can spend the grant within one year or return it, or part of it, to the Fund.
How do we apply?
To apply for a grant you will need to complete an online grant application form along with an electronic version of all surporting documents. A signed hard copy of the front page only of the application form will also need to be posted to Clockmill Cottage, Duns, TD11 3QH.
We process applications four times a year, cut off dates for these meetings are on January 31st, April 30th, July 31st and October 31st respectively. So please have your application in by these times so that we can fully process your applications at the review meetings.
August - AGM
There is one application form for all organisations. Please read the guidelines for completing the form carefully to make sure that you give us all the information we require, and make sure you send us any supporting documents requested.
You can download guidelines for completing the application form below and fill in the form online here.
Payment of Grant
- For large grant schemes, a payment programme should be submitted with the application setting out key dates for payments and whether funding is required in advance of each payment date. Methods and timing of payment will be agreed prior to the award of any grant. BHWFCF reserve the right to make payments directly to suppliers.
- Please note that grants will not be eligible for goods or services purchased prior to the date of grant award.