Duns Pipe Band

Grant of £2500 received in December 2012
Purpose of Grant: To buy 18 Pipe Bag Covers and 8 Drum Harnesses
Progress: The equipment has been purchased and is now in use in the band. The pipe bag covers were designed in the town colours of black and red so they would be in keeping with the new tartan we have now had designed. The pictures below show one of the bags on a set of pipes and a swatch of the new tartan.
The Drum Harnesses are in use now and are making a huge difference to both the look and the comfort of the drummers, especially the younger ones who struggle more with the weight of the instruments.
Summary: The grant funding from Blackhill Windfarm Community Fund has enabled us to progress not onlywith the purchase of the equipment but also to make headway on the new tartan project . Without
the grant funding we could have been waiting another year or more before we were able to proceed
with the tartan design. On behalf of all members of the band, I would like to thank the Committee for considering our application and awarding the grant.
Mrs J Turner, Secretary
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