M-Pulsive Parents

Funds Received - £3,135.00
Dancers rock the world !!
Dancers from Jedburgh, Kelso, Duns and Melrose all performed together on an international stage in Glasgow last weekend.
Hip hop dancers from M-Pulsive Dance School based in Kelso qualified for the international dance competition last year and were delighted to perform at the Clyde Auditorium last weekend.
The teams have fundraised for this trip for the past 6 months, each of the dancers and their families would like to thank all our sponsors particularly Blackhill Windfarm and Duns Rotary for supporting the 6 Berwickshire based dancers.
Dance School Principal , Michelle Douglas said that both the competition squads have worked incredibly hard over the past year and showcased their work exceptionally well. Although we did not reach the finals the opportunity to dance on a world class stage, to experience such amazing performances and take part in some very technical and great fun workshops has inspired and motivated all of us for the year ahead.
UDO (United Dance Organisation) is a highly prestigious dance organisation attracting competitors from countries as far away as Japan and Australia, so M-Pulsive were honoured to be representing the East Of Scotland .
The funding that we received from Blackhill Windfarm and Duns Rotary, allowed the Berwickshire Dancers to travel by coach with the rest of their teams mates, attend the UDO World Dance competition , stay overnight in a hotel and a small contribution towards costumes for the event
Coach Contribution £180.00
Hotel Contribution £600.00
Competition Attendance £560.00
Many Thanks again for your support and allowing our children this amazing opportunity .
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