Received - £3,735.02
The BHS Senior Musical Theatre Group were delighted to receive a grant of £3,735 from Blackhill Windarm Community Fund in August last year.
The grant contributed to the purchase of P.A. equipment and a sound desk, to be used in musical productions, concerts and other performances at the Berwickshire High School and other local venues.
We were able to purchase a new, professional sound desk, speakers and associated cables (as detailed in our grant applicaiton) and were first used in January 2020 when the senior cast staged a run of "Legally Blonde: The Musical". This musical was warmly received by the audiences and our new technology made it much more straightforward to control the sound and for the performers to be heard clearly above the orchestra.
For the first time this year we have been running a Musical Theatre course in school. We have worked closely with former pupil Will Derries (now a professional sound engineer) through the year. Will set up our new sound equipment and was able to demonstrate its operation to the Musical Theatre students. He spent time with other pupils in the week of "Legally Blode" sharing his expertise on the sound desk. We also had a visit from the Health & Safety department of Scottish Borders Council and they were very impressed by the set up in the hall including the minimal cabling that was a direct result of our new P.A. equipment.
In March, the equipment we purchased was taken to Duns Primary School. They were due to use it for their produciton of "Hairspray". Unforunately the Covid-19 lockdown came into force just before they were able to perform the show.
The next project for the Musical Theatre group at BHS would bave been a production of "Les Miserables" this week (Commencing June 23rd). It is hoped that we might still be able to put on this show later in the year if circumstances allow.
We still harbour ambitions of purchasing our own radio microphones too, which would save us the cost of hiring them for every musical production as well as other performances through the year.
May I take the opportunity to thank the members of the Blackhill Windfarm Community Fund committee for their support.
Friends of Duns Primary School (FDPS)
Funds Received - £3,000
FDPS received the sum of £3,000. These funds enabled the committee to purchase our very own folding tables to be used for fundraising events within the school. Historically we have had to source and transport tables from various other local halls. The tables made a great difference at our 2019 School Christmas Fair where we played host to many local businessess and charities, this being our main fundraiser for the year. Having the tables at our disposal means a great deal to both ourselves and Duns Primary School.
thanks go to Blackhill Windfarm Community Fund from all at Friends of Duns Primary School.
Kind Regards
Lisa Johnson
In 2019 a grant application to the Blackhill Windfarm Community Fund was submitted and successfully obtained, this amounted to £897 to pay for a further print run of 500 of the above titled booklets from the original printers.
Once the grant had been obtained the order was submitted and the booklets obtained. Since then they are being distributed/sold to interested parties to raise awareness of the long term involvement in local life of these former soldiers and their descendants leading to the erection of the Plaque in Newtown Street, the Ware Memorial in the Park and Town Twinning activities.
Duns and District Twinng Association hearby acknowledges and is appreciative of the financial support from the Blackhill Windfarm Community Fund for our project.
Jim Carnie
Duns & District Twinning Association
August 2020
Swinton Village Festival 2019
Funds Received - £500.00
Our second "revival" Gala Day took place on Saturday 1st June 2019. It turned out to be another well-attended event with resonably good weather and once again the King and Queen of the Merse were led by the Duns Pipe Band onto the Green.
Attached is a photo of one of the new stalls in 2019 set up by the Swinton Curling Club which gave the public a "taste" (plus free burgers for the first come first served) of what it might be like to try curling.
Thank you Blackhill Windfarm Community Fund for again supporting our Gala Day and hopefully we can stage another one in 2021.
James Collin
Funds received - £1,200.00
We are pleased to say that we were able to complete our projcect of upgrading our kitchen and toilet facilities.
With the kind grant we were able to buy our Fridge/Freezer and Cooker. This has made such a difference to the children and staff that used it prior to lockdown.
Thankfully, we are now open again and supplying all children with a hot meal at lunchtime and we can get Tesco deliveries as we have the fridge/freezer to store it all in.
Please see attached photos of the equipment in place.
Everyone at Fogo is grateful to you all for the kind grant that was awarded to us for these items, which we would not have able to buy had you not.
Kind regards
Nikki Anderson